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Buy Duty Free market cigarettes Davidoff Gold (EU-made) onli

NotaPublicado: Jue May 29, 2014 12:58 am
por LorenzoGaf
Davidoff Gold (EU-made)
More details:Davidoff Gold is a light cigarette with a premium tobacco taste. With 0.6 mg of nicotine in each cigarette, this medium-light blend has a strong yet subtle taste that's rare to find in a light cigarette. This king-sized cigarette has a long filter that ensures that the only thing you breathe in is the smooth taste of carefully selected tobacco that's been blended to perfection. Entrusted with the Davidoff name, this luxury cigarette is a true treat for those who prefer a medium-light smoke that's still loaded with flavor. Davidoff Gold cigarettes come in an elegant gold package with the Zino Davidoff's famous signature displayed on the front. The all-white cigarettes inside are as pure looking as their taste. A flavorful, mellow taste, these FSC free cigarettes have a clean taste that's never harsh. The filter on each cigarette is marked with Davidoff's signature, insuring quality from the time you spark to the time you put it out. A truly premium cigarette, Davidoff Gold is what a light cigarette is meant to taste like, mild on strength, but loaded with flavor. Each carton contains 10 packs of 20 cigarettes 1 carton contains 200 cigarettes
Shipping in return this product is UNSPARING worldwide.


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Buy Duty Free cigarettes Davidoff Gold (EU-made) online

NotaPublicado: Jue May 29, 2014 12:59 am
por LorenzoGaf
Davidoff Gold (EU-made)
More details:Davidoff Gold is a light cigarette with a premium tobacco taste. With 0.6 mg of nicotine in each cigarette, this medium-light blend has a strong yet subtle taste that's rare to find in a light cigarette. This king-sized cigarette has a long filter that ensures that the only thing you breathe in is the smooth taste of carefully selected tobacco that's been blended to perfection. Entrusted with the Davidoff name, this luxury cigarette is a true treat for those who prefer a medium-light smoke that's still loaded with flavor. Davidoff Gold cigarettes come in an elegant gold package with the Zino Davidoff's famous signature displayed on the front. The all-white cigarettes inside are as pure looking as their taste. A flavorful, mellow taste, these FSC free cigarettes have a clean taste that's never harsh. The filter on each cigarette is marked with Davidoff's signature, insuring quality from the time you spark to the time you put it out. A truly premium cigarette, Davidoff Gold is what a light cigarette is meant to taste like, mild on strength, but loaded with flavor. Each carton contains 10 packs of 20 cigarettes 1 carton contains 200 cigarettes
Shipping in the direction of this product is UNSPARING worldwide.


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